Where do I begin?
Educators in Juab School District use micro-credentials as a system to support professional learning. Each year, cohorts are formed to support credential earning. Choose a micro-credential that highlights your strengths or challenges you in an area of growth. Visit Digital Promise to learn more.
How do I earn a micro-credential?
Learn about your selected topic at microcredentials.digitalpromise.org; then, submit evidence to show your understanding and application of that concept. Use the rubric to self-assess before submission, and make sure to double-check permission on shared Google docs!
What help is available?
Group or individual learning sessions are held to introduce and support aligned micro-credentials.
I earned a micro-credential...Now what?
Use the SHARE option from Digital Promise to email your earned badge to your instructional coach, building administrator, and whomever else you want! Each aligned micro-credential will warrant a one-time stipend through payroll to reward your learning.
How does a micro-credential benefit my students?
Micro-credentials are based on research-based best practices. In many cases, your students can learn right along with you! Many micro-credentials submissions require student reflection or student work; they benefit from the learning you do!
How does a micro-credential benefit me?
Each earned micro-credential is valued at .5 district credits. Some credentials are available for university credit. 8 re-licensure points are available for each earned credential, at a maximum of 24 points per year. This helps you maintain your educator license, and helps you move along the salary schedule.
What is a Micro-credential Pathway?
Educators can work with an administrator to design a micro-credential pathway. This allows educators to become specialists in a Core Four area.
Learn more about our micro-credential work:
Connecting the Dots with Micro-credentials (Virtual Conference)
Moving Toward Mastery: Growing, Developing, and Sustaining Educators for Competency-Based Education
Research and Educator Micro-credentials - Digital Promise
Micro-credentials and Education Policy in the United States
To learn more, contact Krystle Bassett