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We are thrilled to announce the official partnership with Arizona State University Prep Digital and Juab School District. By joining forces with ASU Prep Digital, Juab School District will be able to combine the tremendous teaching skills and learning environments by our teachers and staff along with one of the world’s premier universities in education and innovation to deliver an unprecedented opportunity to our students and the students of Utah! Our students will be able to accelerate, enhance, and support their education at high levels through this partnership.
Our mission statement is “Empowering our Students to Discover and Pursue their Dreams!” Our vision statement is “Provide a flexible, personalized, and blended learning pathway to success for all students characterized by individual mastery for all students.” Our motto is “Commitment to Excellence.” This partnership with ASU Prep Digital helps us take another step forward in fulfilling the promise each of these statements has to our students. I am reminded of President John F. Kennedy’s speech in 1962 as he challenged our nation to someday set foot on the moon. He talked about the speed of mankind’s pursuit of innovation and that it means not always following the easiest path and that we choose to do the hard things because it measures us against our very best. I think tonight President Kennedy would be very proud of this partnership.
In the spring of 2017, ASU President Dr. Michael Crow opened the ASU+GSV Summit with this quote from author Alan Wilson: “We live at the center of a knowledge explosion . . . Knowledge is now the key to capital resource…Knowledge is now also the key social resource: it empowers people in a knowledge-based economy; it is what underpins any kind of critical thinking. It is civilizing. In a phrase, what counts is knowledge power.”
Dr. Crow continued, “We’re wounding ourselves every day by acting if some can learn and some can’t. We are infants in terms of what we know, but unbelievable in what we can know.” I consider myself a disciple of Dr. Crow's core belief that all students can be part of this great learning eco-system, but it is up to us to create and design an ethos of school community that meets the needs of every student where they are at and when they need it. I am excited to see our great institutions combine to carry this important work and vision forward! I am very grateful to our board members, leadership team, teachers, counselors, and staff as well as everyone here tonight from ASU especially Cecilia Lopez and Senator Howard Stephensen. None of this was possible without them.