Policy DFD - Teacher Leader
Policy DFD - Teacher Leader (PDF)
Issue Date: January 18, 2023
Updated: January 15, 2025
Qualifications for Designation as a Teacher Leader
The District may designate as a Teacher Leader a teacher who:
- Has a professional educator license;
- Either:
- Has an educator evaluation effectiveness rating of effective or highly effective for at least the two years prior to being designated as a teacher leader; or
- Has a successful or equivalent rating using the Board of Education approved evaluation system for at least the two years prior to being designated as a teacher leader;
- Demonstrates competence in working with adult learners and peers;
- Demonstrates:
- Consistent leadership;
- Focused collaboration;
- Distinguished teaching; and
- A commitment to ongoing professional growth; and
- Is recommended by the building administrator to be designated as a Teacher Leader.
Utah Admin. Rules R277-307-3 (January 11, 2022)
Roles of a Teacher Leader
Teacher Leaders shall maintain their assignment as a classroom teacher while fulfilling appropriate leadership responsibilities. This leadership may be provided in a school through formally or informally designated responsibilities. A Teacher Leader may perform the following functions:
- Professional learning lead, including:
- Generally supporting school-based professional learning, or
- Serving as a learning designee or facilitator for professional learning activities;
- Formally trained and recognized mentor, including:
- Modeling effective instructional strategies for other teachers;
- Training, supervising, and mentoring:
- Student teachers (including providing feedback on demonstration of competencies);
- New teachers; or
- Teachers that supervise student teachers; or
- Coaching the development of effective instruction;
- Lead or master teacher, including:
- Guiding other educators in collecting, understanding, analyzing, and interpreting student-achievement data and using those findings to improve instruction;
- Leading efforts to modify or improve curriculum; or
- Facilitating and coordinating professional learning communities;
- Education policy advocate, including:
- Positively contributing to informed decisions made by policy makers; or
- Sharing information with colleagues regarding impact of policy on classroom practices;
- School outreach lead, including:
- Leading specific school improvement initiatives; or
- Acting as a liaison for community projects; or
- Education ambassador, including:
- Networking within and beyond local, state, and national education organizations; or
- Serving on task forces, committees, and advisory boards.
Utah Admin. Rules R277-307-4(1)-(3) (January 11, 2022)
Utah Code § 53E-6-902(2) (2024).
Teacher Leader Incentives
As determined to be appropriate by the Board of Education, designated Teacher Leaders may be given a pay increase, bonus, or other financial incentive or may be given a reduction in the Teacher Leader’s regular classroom workload.