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Policy DPA Research Applications

Policy DPA Research Applications (PDF)

Issue Date: August 15, 2018

The Juab School District Board of Education and Administration encourages and supports the conducting of research/surveys that provide information and data which can be useful in improving District operational and instructional programs.

In order to be considered, the following guidelines for submitting and receiving approval of a proposal should be followed:

  1. Prior to conducting research or surveys in Juab School District, approval must be obtained from the District Research Committee.

  2. In order to conduct research or implement a survey, a Research Project Application must be completed and submitted to the Curriculum Director.

  3. Research Project Applications must be accompanied by a project proposal and must include a copy of the instruments that will be used.

  4. Research projects that require the participation of teachers and/or students during the first thirty days or the last thirty days of the school year will generally not be approved.

  5. Research proposal approval will generally be limited to those projects that complete therequirementsassociatedwithagraduatethesis,dissertationorpracticum. Acopy of the sponsoring college/university’s approval letter must be attached to theapplication. Additionally, a copy of any correspondence that will be sent to parents of district students seeking permission for students to participate in any research project or survey must be attached to the application.

  6. Approval of the Research Project Application by the District Research Committee authorizes the applicant to proceed with the research/survey. Committee approval does not obligate the participation of any district school, employee or student.

  7. Following committee approval no changes in methodology, instrumentation or communication to parents may be made unless approved by the District Research Committee.

  8. Upon completion of the research project, a copy of the research findings is to be submitted to the Curriculum Director.