Issue Date: August 17, 2011
The Juab School District Board of Education believes that all reasonable measures should be taken to conserve energy. The Board directs the administration, faculty and staff to implement cost effective operating procedures to reduce energy consumption in school facilities. The Board further directs the administration and the staff to continually assess the consumption of energy and make recommendations for improved energy conservation.
Goals and Procedures
Board Policy BN – Energy Conservation directs “the administration, faculty, and staff, to implement cost effective operating procedures to reduce energy consumption in school facilities. The Board further directs the administration and the staff to continually assess the consumption of energy and make recommendations for improved energy conservation.” In fulfillment of this policy the following operating procedures are to be implemented:
The goals of the Energy Management program are to:
- Ensure safety
- Ensure necessary comfort during occupied times.
- Maximize savings through:
- Monitoring usage.
- Implementing a preventive maintenance program for facilities and systems, including HVAC, building exterior envelope, and moisture
- Educate all staff and students on appropriate energy savings practices.
- Report energy usage and savings.
- Responsibility for developing an “Energy Conservation Ethic” rests with all employees, students, and patrons.
- The building principal/supervisor is responsible for the total energy usage of his/her building.
- The primary occupant of a given space has responsibility within that space to implement energy conservation measures.
- The custodian is responsible for control of common areas, i.e. halls, cafeteria, etc. and to verify that non-occupied shutdown procedures are followed.
- The administration performs routine audits of all facilities and communicates the audit results and recommendations to the appropriate personnel.
General Energy Conservation Practices
- Classroom doors are to remain closed when HVAC systems are operating.
- Ensure doors between heated/air-conditioned spaces and non-heated/non-air-
conditioned spaces remain closed at all times.
- Passive energy consumers i.e. televisions, DVD/video players, etc. should be unplugged during periods of non-use. Please note: many appliances as noted draw energy even when turned off.
- All exhaust fans should be turned off every day and during unoccupied hours.
- All office machines (except FAX machines) should be switched off during non-
use (when practical) and during unoccupied hours.
- All computers should be turned off each night. This includes the monitor, local
printer, and speakers. Network equipment is excluded.
- All capable PC’s should be programmed for the “energy saver” mode using the
power management feature. Ensure that monitors “sleep” after
10 minutes of inactivity.
- Where possible, individual comfort levels should be managed with appropriate
warm or cool clothing.
- Kitchen equipment should only be turned on when in use.
- Proper utilization of data logs will be initiated and maintained to monitor relative
humidity, temperature, and light levels through the district’s buildings to ensure compliance with district guidelines.
Heating and Cooling
- Heating season set points include the following:
Occupied: 68-71 degrees.
Unoccupied winter: 55 degrees (weather permitting).
Unoccupied spring/fall – turned off (weather permitting).
- Cooling season set points include the following:
Off – whenever possible
Occupied: 74-78 degrees.
Unoccupied: turned off.
- Additional Heating/Cooling
The unoccupied time begins when the students/teachers vacate the area for
the day. Air-conditioning and heating systems should be turned off during spring, summer, and fall days when the natural occurring temperatures are within the comfort ranges noted above. In addition, during periods of mild weather and where cross-ventilation is available, shut down HVAC equipment and adjust the temperature with windows and doors.
Ensure outside air dampers are closed during unoccupied times. For any 24-hour period of time, relative humidity levels should not average greater than 60%. Fans and necessary air conditioning should not be utilized in buildings during the summer unless the facilities are being used for summer school or for team cleaning. Individual space cooling is allowed for employees during occupied times.
Hot water systems should be set no higher than 120 degrees in restrooms and 140 degrees in food service areas (with dish-washer boosters).
Ensure all hot water re-circulating pumps are switched off during unoccupied times.
For heat pumps, ensure a 6-degree dead-band between heating and cooling modes.
- All unnecessary light in unoccupied areas will be turned off. Teachers should make certain that lights are turned off when the classroom is unoccupied.
- All outside lighting will be turned off during daylight hours.
- Gym lights should be on only when the gym is being utilized.
- All lights (except safety night lighting) will be turned off when students and
teachers leave school. Custodians will turn on lights only in areas in which they
are working.
- Lights should be used only when definitely needed. During the air-conditioning
season, unnecessary lights add to the air-conditioning costs as they are a heat generator.
As an incentive for energy conservation, all employees will receive a bonus payment in their June paycheck for the following energy conservation results based upon each percentage of savings beyond 10%. For example if the district saves 18% of the current approximate charges in utilities of $500,000, 8% of $500,000 will be allocated to employees.
These procedures and guidelines are not intended to be all-inclusive and may be modified as needed. Such modifications should be reported to the Board.