Policy FLA - Student Technology Handbook
Policy FLA-Student Technology Handbook (PDF)
Table of Contents
- 1.TechnologyGoals
- 2.ResponsibleUse Agreement
- Introduction
- b.TechnologiesCovered c. Usage Policies
- d.InternetAccess
- Web2.0 ( Email, Social, Collaborative Content)
- f.Personally-OwnedDevices Policy Security
- h.Downloads
- Netiquettej. Plagiarism
- k.PersonalSafety
- Cyber-bullying
- Examplesof Responsible/Irresponsible Uses n. Limitation of Liability
- o.Violationsof the Responsible Use Agreement
- No Expectation of Privacy
- Off-Campus Use
- 3.iPadPolicy
- Termsb. Title
- c.Lossor Damage d. Repossession
- Termsof Agreement
- f.UnlawfulAppropriation
- 4.FinancialTerms of Mobile Technology Use
- Useand Maintenance Fee
- b.iPadCosts- Lost, Stolen or Full-Cost Damage c. Damaged iPads
- d.Tableof Estimated Repair Pricing
- 5.MobileTechnology Precautions
- Handlingand Care of the iPad
- b.PowerManagement
- c.Transport
- d.Monitoringand Supervision
- TechnologyGoals
- Equip allstudents to use technology to interact with and impact the world around them.
- Teach theethical use of technology.
- Improvethe quality of learning and promote greater academic achievement.
- Develop anew set of skills for the 21st Century Learner.
- Providegreater access to educational opportunities and differentiated instruction by using technology for anytime, anywhere learning.
- Improvecommunication and widen our sense of community by expanding the ways teachers, students, andparents interact with each other.
- Expand integration of digitalresources.
- ResponsibleUse Agreement for Students
- Introduction
This Responsible Use Agreement (RUA) outlines the guidelines and behaviors that users are expected to follow when using school technologies. In addition to this agreement, the use of any district provided technology requires students and staff to abide by the JSD Acceptable Use Policy.
- 1.JSD technology is intended for educational purposes only.
- 2.All activity over the network or while using district technologies may be monitored or retained.
- 3.Access to online content via the JSD network will be filtered in accordance with our policies and federal regulations, including the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). However, JSD cannot and does not guarantee that the filter will eliminate all inappropriate content.
- 4.Users are expected to follow the same rules for good behavior and respectful conduct online as offline.
- 5.Misuse of school resources can result in disciplinary action.
- 6.JSD makes a reasonable effort to ensure users’ safety and security online, but will not be held accountable for any harm or damages that result from use of school technologie
- 7.Users of the district network or other technologies are expected to immediately alert district personnel
of any concerns for safety or security (duty to inform).
- B.Technologies Covered
JSD may provide Internet access, desktop computers, iPads, videoconferencing capabilities, online collaboration capabilities, message boards, email, and more.
As new technologies emerge, JSD will attempt to provide access to them. The policies outlined in this document are intended to cover all available technologies, not just those specifically listed.
- Usage Policies
All technologies provided by the district are intended for educational purposes. All users are expected to usegood judgment and to follow the specifics of this document as well as the spirit of it: be safe, be appropriate, and be kind; use common sense, and ask if you do not know.
- 1.Users should abide by the same responsible use policies when using school devices off the school network as on the school netwo
- 2.Users are expected to treat these devices with extreme care and caution; they are expensive devices that the school is entrusting to your care.
- 3.Users should report any loss, damage, or malfunction to school personnel immediately.
- 4.Users may be financially accountable for any damage resulting from negligence or misuse.
- D.Internet Access
District Provided Access- JSD provides its users with access to the Internet, including websites, resources, content, and online tools while on campus. That access will be restricted in compliance with CIPA regulations and school policies. Internet activity may be monitored and records may be retained indefinitely.
- 1.Users must understand that the internet filter is a mandatory and vital safety precaution.
- 2.Users mustnot circumvent the Internet filte
- 3.Users should follow district protocol to alert the building administrator or submit a site for review if a siteis blocked and the user believes it should not be.
- 4.JSD will make all reasonable efforts to filter Internet content pursuant to CIPA and district policies. However, JSD cannot guarantee that the filter will eliminate all Internet content that is contrary to CIPA and district policies. Users should follow district protocol to report sites that are not blocked, but that the user feels should be blocked.
Non-District Provided Access
- 1.JSD devices may be used on other wireless networks while off campus.
- Web 2.0 (Email, Social, Collaborative Content)
Recognizing the benefits collaboration brings to education, JSD may provide users with access to websites or tools that allow communication, collaboration, and sharing. Availability and use may be restricted based ondistrict policies.
- 1.District provided email accounts should be used with care.
- 2.Users email, files, photographs, app usage, etc. may be monitored and archived to meet legal obligation
- 3.Users should be careful not to share personally-identifying information online. Sharing inappropriate personal information or content is strictly prohibit
- 4.Beware when opening files or following links from unknown or untrusted origin.
- 5.Communicate with appropriate, safe, mindful, and courteous condu
- 6.Textmessaging and instant messaging of any kind is prohibited during school hours without permission.
- 7.Posts, discussions, and sharing will be monitored on Canvas.
- F. Personally-OwnedDevices Policy
Students should keep personally owned devices (including iPads, tablets, smart phones, and cell phones) turned off and put away during school hours—unless in the event of an emergency or as instructed by a teacher or staff for educational purposes. Personal cellular devices or hotspots should not be used to access the Internet at
- G.Security
Users are expected to take reasonable safeguards against the transmission of security threats (viruses, worms, spyware, etc.) over the school network. This includes not opening or distributing infected files or programs andnot opening files or programs of unknown or untrusted origin.
If a device is believed to be infected with a virus, please alert school personnel immediately. The user should not attempt to remove the virus or download any programs to help remove the virus.
- Downloads
Users may be able to download file types, such as images or videos; however, for the security of the district’s network, such downloads should only be from reputable websites, and only for educational purposes.Streaming non-school related video and audio is strictly prohibited during the school day unlessdirected otherwise by school personnel. Students may be selected at random to provide their devicefor monitoring and inspection.
- I.Netiquette
- 1.Users should always use the Internet, network resources, and online sites in a courteous and respectful manne
- 2.Users should recognize that among the valuable content online, there is also unverified, incorrect, or
Inappropriate content.
- Plagiarism
- Users are prohibited from plagiarizing (use as their own, without citing the original creator) content, including words or images from the Internet.
2. |
Users should not take credit for things they didn’t create themselves, or misrepresentthemselves as an |
author or creator of something found online. |
3. |
Research conducted via the Internet should be appropriately cited, giving credit to the original author. |
4. |
Users are prohibited from accessing sites that promote plagiarism. These sites should bereported to |
school personnel. |
- Personal Safety
- 1.Users should recognize that communicating over the Internet brings the risks associated with the lack of face to face conta
- 2.Users should carefully safeguard the personal information of themselves and oth
- 3.Users should never share personal information, including phone number, address, social securitynumber, birthday, or financial information, over the Internet without permission.
- 4.Students should never agree to meet someone they meet online in real life.
- 5.If the user sees a message, comment, image, or anything else online that makes him or her concerned for his/her personal safety, it should be brought to the attention of school personnel or a parent immediately.
- L. Cyber-bullying
The National Crime Prevention Council defines cyber-bullying as: “When the Internet, cell phones or other devices are used to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person.”
Types of Cyber-bullying - Cyber-bullying can take many forms. Properly identifying and preventing cyber- bullying requires an understanding of the different ways technology can be used to hurt others
- 1.Flaming- Online fights using electronic messages with angry or vulgar language.
- 2.Harassment- Repeatedly sending nasty, mean, and insulting message
- 3.Denigration- "Dissing" someone online. Sending or posting gossip or rumors about a person to damage his or her reputation or friendship
- 4.Impersonation- Pretending to be someone else and sending or posting material to get that person in trouble or damage their reputation.
- 5.Outing- Sharing someone's secrets or embarrassing information or images online.
- 6.Trickery- Tricking someone into revealing secrets or embarrassing information and then sharing it online.
- 7.Exclusion- Intentionally and cruelly excluding someone.
- 8.Cyberstalking- Repeated, intense harassment and denigration that includes threats or creates significant fe
* “An Educator’s Guide to Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats,” by Nancy Willard
JSD Position on Cyber-bullying and Digital Citizenship
- 1.Students shall receive education including, but not limited to appropriate online behavior in social networking sites, chat rooms, electronic communications, etc; the dangers inherent with the onlinedisclosure of personally identifiable information; and, consequences of unlawful activities, including cyber-bullying awareness and response, other unlawful or inappropriate online activities by studen
- 2.Cyber-bullyingwill not be tolerated and is strictly forbidden.
- 3.Engaging in cyber-bullying to harm (physically or emotionally) another person will result in severedisciplinary action and loss of privilege
- 4.In some cases, cyber-bullying can be a crime.
- 5.The user should remember that digital activities are monitored and retained.
- 6.Report cyber-bullying immediately to school personnel.
- M.Examples ofResponsible/Irresponsible Use
+ Use school technologies for school-related activities.
+ Follow the same guidelines for respectful, responsible behavior online as offline.
+ Treat school resources carefully, and alert staff if there is any problem with their operation.
+ Encourage positive, constructive discussion when using communicative or collaborative technologies.
+ Alert school personnel of threatening, inappropriate, or harmful content online.
+ Use school technologies at appropriate times, in approved places, for educational pursuits.
+ Cite sources when using online sites and resources for research.
+ Recognize that use of school technologies is a privilege and treat it as such.
+ Be cautious to protect the safety of everybody.
+ Help to protect the security of school resources by reporting misuse or illegal activities.
Irresponsible Use:
▬ Use school technologies in a way that could be personally or physically harmful.
▬ Attempt to find or create inappropriate images or content.
▬ Engage in cyber-bullying, harassment, or disrespectful conduct toward others.
▬ Try to find ways to circumvent the school’s safety measures and filtering tools.
▬ Downloading apps that are rated 12+ or higher, or explicit material.
▬ Use school technologies to send spam or chain mail.
▬ Plagiarize content found online.
▬ Post personally-identifying information, about myself or others.
▬ Agree to meet someone met online in real life.
▬ Use of chat rooms, sites selling term papers, book reports and other forms of student work.
▬ Illegal installation or transmission of copyrighted materials.
▬ Use language online that would be irresponsible in the classroom.
▬ Use school technologies for illegal activities or to pursue information on such activities.
▬ Attempt to hack or access sites, servers, or content that is inappropriate.
▬ Gaining access to other student’s accounts, files, and or data.
▬ Listening or viewing media or books labeled “Explicit”
* This is not intended to be a complete list, just a few specific examples.
- Limitation ofLiability
- 1.JSD will not be responsible for damage or harm to persons, files, data, or hardware.
- 2.While JSD employs CIPA compliant filtering and other safety and security mechanisms, and attempts to ensure their proper function. It makes no guarantees as to their effectiven
- 3.JSD will not be responsible, financially or otherwise, for unauthorized transactions conducted over the school networ (We DO NOT recommend attaching a credit card account to a student Apple ID on a school owned iPad, and JSD is not responsible for charges made if this is done.) Instructions to set-up an itunes account without a credit card can be found at http://support.apple.com/kb/ht2534
- Violations ofthis Responsible Use Agreement
Violations of this policy may have disciplinary repercussions as decided upon by building administration,including:
- 1.Restrictions placed on iPads or computers
- 2.Notification of parents
- 3.Detention or suspension from school and school related activities
- 4.Loss of iPad privileges
- 5.Legal action and/or prosecution
- 6.Financial Consequences
- No Expectation of Privacy
Students have no expectation of privacy as to JSD in regards to all content, data, meta data, internet search history, and other information on a JSD electronic device and/or computer that is used by the student. Additionally, students have no expectation of privacy in regards to their Internet or network use if the student is using JSD access to the Internet or a JSD network.
- Off-Campus Use
As much as is possible, students should comply with the terms of this JSD Student Technology Handbook even when they are off campus. Students and parents are solely responsible for ensuring safe and proper use of the iPad when student is using the iPad off campus.
- iPadPolicy
- A. Terms
The annual technology fee includes a premium payment for the year. Users will comply at all times with theJSD Student Technology Handbook policies. Any failure to comply may terminate user rights of possessioneffective immediately and the district may repossess the property. ANY LOST, STOLEN, OR DAMAGEDiPad MUST BE REPORTED TO SCHOOL AUTHORITIES IMMEDIATELY, AND NO LATER THAN THENEXT SCHOOL DAY.
- Title
Legal title to the property is in the District and shall at all times remain with the District. The user’s right of
possession and use is limited to and conditioned upon full and complete compliance with this agreement and the JSD Student Technology Handbook policies.
- Loss, Theft, or Damage
If the iPad is lost or stolen, or fully damaged, the user is responsible for the replacement cost of the iPad.
- Repossession
If the user does not fully comply with all terms of this agreement and the JSD Student Technology
Handbook, including the timely return of the iPad when requested, the District shall be entitled to declare the use in default, and go to the student’s place of residence, or other location of the device, to takepossession of the property.
- Terms of Agreement
The user’s right to use and possession of the property terminates upon withdrawal from the District, placementin the alternative school, or expulsion. Upon graduation students will be given their IPad to keep. Any student that leaves JSD prior to graduation may purchase their IPad at a prorated cost determined by JSD Business Administrator.
- Unlawful Appropriation
Failure to timely return the property and the continued use of it for non-school purposes, without the
District’s consent, will be considered unlawful use of the District’s property, and subject to termination of this agreement and subject to civil and/or criminal legal action.
- FinancialTerms of Mobile Technology Use
- A. Useand Maintenance Fees
- Parents may choose annual insurance that includes a premium payment for the year, and a
deductible by incident.
- The premium is by device and covers electrical surges, drops or falls, liquid spills, and part damage.
- The deductible is by incident, i.e., 1st incident, 2nd incident.
- If the iPad is lost, stolen, or damaged due to negligence or misuse on the part of the user, the parent is responsible for the replacement cost. If using insurance, follow the terms of the insurance agreement for costs.
- District may disable the iPad remotely to protect the device and/or data on the device.
- All seniors will be given sole possession of ipad upon graduation. Seniors not graduating must clear all records and return .
- iPadCosts - Lost, Stolen, or Full-cost damage
iPad Mini - $299
- DamagediPads
BY THE NEXT SCHOOL DAY! JSD will repair any damages to iPads according to the incident deductible schedule below. It will be the responsibility of the student to replace any damage that is the result of negligence as determined by JSD.
- 2.Lost, stolen, or damaged power adapters, cords, and cases must be paid in fu See chart below.
- 3. Incident Deductible and Reimbursement costs:
First incident: $0.00 - Student will get a replacement iPad while IPad is being repaired.
Second incident: Lessor of cost to repair the iPad or replacement cost.
Third incident: Lessor of cost to repair the iPad or replacement cost. Loss of iPadprivileges.
- Tableof Estimated Repair Pricing
Loss, Deliberate Damage or Neglect |
Estimated Repair/ReplacementCosts |
Broken Screen |
$100.00 |
Broken LCD |
$150.00 |
Power Adapter (brick) |
$5.00 |
Charging cable |
$5.00 |
District Assigned iPad Case |
$20.00 |
- MobileTechnology Precautions
- A. Handlingand Care of the IPad
The user must keep the iPad in the district provided protective case
iPads and cases must remain free of any writing, drawing, stickers, or labels that are not applied by
Use the iPad on a flat, stable surface.
Do not set books on the iPad.
Do not have food or drinks around the iPad.
Wipe surfaces with a clean, dry soft cloth.
Avoid touching the screen with pens or pencils.
Do not leave the iPad exposed to direct sunlight or near any heat or moisture sources for extended
periods of time.
- Power Management
It is the user’s responsibility to recharge the iPad’s battery so it is fully charged by the start of the next school day.
- iPadswith no battery life must be charged in the library. The student forfeits use of the iPad for theentire time it takes to charge the iPad (no passes from class to pick up iPad, the iPad may only bepicked up during passing periods).
- Users, except for graduating seniors, will be responsible for the charging brick and cord during the summer months while school is not in session.In August, users will be required to bring back the charging brick and cord, or purchase one from their school’s bookkeeper or from a retail store for use during the school year.
- All missed classwork must be made up on the students’ own time.
The iPad should remain ON (awake or sleep mode) at school at all times.
- Transport
The iPad should be transported in its protective case.
Do not leave iPad in a vehicle for extended periods of time or overnight.
Do not leave iPad in visible sight when left in a vehicle.
- Monitoring and Supervision
Do not leave the iPad unattended in an unlocked classroom, a bathroom, or during an extra-
curricular activity.
Do not lend your iPad to a classmate, friend, or family member.
You are responsible for the safety / security of the iPad and any activity on the device at all time.