Policy EEAA - Use of Media
Policy EEAA - Use of Media (PDF)
Issue Date: 2/20/2019
Use of Visual Media
Because of the vast availability and variety of video media, hereinafter all referred to as “visual media.” It is increasingly necessary that school district employees exercise, discretion, judgment, and prudence in their classroom use. All visual media must be age appropriate and should be used for educational purposes only. All visual media must be under the direct supervision of the instructor and in compliance with applicable copyright laws and licensing agreements.
- Visual media in the classroom is limited to instructional purposes and should be discouraged for entertainment use or as a reward in the regular school day. Any school wide use of visual media for entertainment or reward purposes must be pre-approved by the building principal. Any full-length movie or program must be pre-approved by the building principal.
- Fair use is statutory doctrine allowing certain uses of copyrighted works for limited purposes such as instruction, research, non-profit broadcasting, and scholarship. When considering such use, consideration should be given to the following: the purpose is commercial in nature or non-profit education, the nature of the copyrighted media, the amount, substance, and portion to be used, (the larger the portion the more likely the violation of copyright) and the potential market impact of the media use. Many copyright owners will issue license agreements outlining the use of their work. It is recommended to properly obtain a license to use wherever possible. Schools can legally show copyrighted visual media by obtaining a public performance site license.
- The instructional value of a particular piece of visual media shall be weighed against the academic time it consumes. Whenever possible, only segments directly related to the curriculum should be utilized instead of viewing the visual media in its’ entirety. Students should be guided by the teacher in connecting the visual media to academic learning activities. No visual media will be used in the classroom without first been previewed by the teacher.
- Scenes from any visual media containing vulgarity, indecency, nudity, excessive violence, profanity, and or anything considered not age appropriate is prohibited. Any visual media with a R rating or higher is prohibited.
- In elementary schools, visual media may be G rated or PG rated. Any visual media used with a PG rating must be first approved by the building principal and a parental consent form sent home and returned with a parent signature prior to viewing in class.
- In secondary schools, visual media may be G rated, PG rated, or PG-13 rated. Any visual media used that may contain sensitive or controversial topics must be pre-approved by the building principal and notice sent to parents prior to its’ use. The parental notice for elementary and secondary students will include the academic purpose of the media being utilized and its’ correlation to the curriculum.
- If a parent chooses to request their student to be waived from participation in the use of the visual media activity, it is the teacher’s responsibility to waive the student’s participation or provide a reasonable alternative activity to the requirement.
- Television or other visual media programs that give the teacher no opportunity to preview the content should not be shown unless circumstances are directed by the building principal.
- Each school in Juab School District shall create a process for parent review of visual media use. Any parent with a concern or objection is invited to meet with the teacher to try and resolve the concern. If the concern or objection is not resolved, a written request from the parent should be submitted to the building principal for review. If the concern or objection is not resolved with the building principal, a written request for review may be submitted to the school’s community council. The council will consider the following questions:
- Is the content age appropriate for the students to whom it is accessible?
- Does the content focus on, help, or enhance students learning engagement in relation to core standards?
- Does the content comply with copyright and licensing agreements?
- Is the content indecent, lewd, or obscene as defined in reference to minors?
- Is the content libelous?
- Does the content promote illegal or unhealthy activities for minors?
After review, the community council will make a written recommendation to the building principal to either approve or prohibit the challenged content. The recommendation will contain a summary of the council’s findings. The council’s recommendation is to be advisory in nature and does not supersede the authority of the building principal, superintendent, or Board of Education. The building principal shall make a written determination indicating an acceptance or denial of the visual media in question. The principal’s decision may be appealed to the district curriculum committee within 30 days of the principal’s decision. This appeal may be done in person or in writing. The district curriculum committee will consider the same questions as the community council in relation to the challenged content. The decision of the district curriculum committee is final and represents the position of the district. If the appeal involves a protected liberty, property right, or personnel action, the decision may be appealed or directed to the Board of Education in executive session.