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Policy EIA - Exhibit 1: Student Overnight Travel Application

Student Overnight Travel PDF

Issue Date: 9/23/2019

Student Overnight Travel

Juab School District

Using this form:

  1. Coaches or advisors should complete this form at least one week prior to the upcoming board meeting.

  2. Share the form with the Athletic Director, who will gather the principal's signature and verify details.

  3. The Athletic Director then Shares the form with district Human Resources to be approved by the Board of Education.

Application for Student Overnight and/or Extended Trip

Group requesting trip:

Head Coach/Advisor responsible

Cell #

# of students in the group




Dates of Trip

School days missed

Mode of Transportation


Objective of Trip

Total cost to each student


Amount to be paid by the school


Student Overnight Travel

Juab School District

Parent Meeting to Discuss Extended Out of State Trip Plans

*This portion needs to be completed only for extended out-of-state trips. (To be completed by the principal after parent meeting is held.)




# of students represented at the meeting by at least one parent

Preliminary vote through a confidential ballot (if the trip is an extended out-of-state excursion).

# of parents approving the trip:

# of parents opposing the trip:

Student Overnight Travel

Juab School District


Cost per student for transportation


Cost per student for lodging


Cost per student for meals


Registration cost per student


Other expenses per student (must be listed on fee schedule)


Total cost per student


# of program advisors

Program cost per advisor


# of non-program chaperones required

District cost per chaperone


How will additional funds for the trip be raised?

Student Overnight Travel

Juab School District

School Certification and Approval

We have planned the above-proposed trip within the District Guidelines.

Faculty/Advisor Signature


Principal Signature


Board Approval
