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Health and Wellness

Medication Policy and Procedures Change

Over-the-counter medications will no longer be administered at school without written authorization from a Physician, Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant or other licensed professional with medical authorization to prescribe medical order (prescription). Juab School District schools will no longer be able to provide/distribute over-the-counter medications for student use, as per state code and district policy.

Why the change?
While parents/guardians may give their child over-the-counter medicine (Tylenol, Ibuprofen, etc.) without a prescription, Utah laws require school personnel and nurses to have a medical order from a health care provider for all medications administered to students.  Over-the-counter medications sometimes have side effects.  Some are harmful if taken by students with certain health conditions or students who are taking certain medications.  As a school district, we do not know students’ complete medical histories and what we do not know could result in harm.

When will the change begin?

The policy change is effective immediately as of March 8, 2022.   

What if my child has a condition that we normally treat at home with an over-the-counter medication?

Ask your child’s health care provider to provide an authorized medication form to write an order for the medication. Access the form online.The school nurses can provide the process for storage and labeling of medications. 

What will happen if my child gets sick at school?

Most illnesses and injuries at school are not emergencies and can be resolved without medications. You will be contacted and informed if your child does not feel better after rest and other non-medicinal actions have been taken. We are dedicated to meeting your child’s needs in a safe manner.  Please call your school nurse or administration if you have questions.