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FAQ: Standards-based Reporting

Why does the grade book look different? Your student’s school experience will not mirror your own. Much has changed. Teaching to standards has replaced the routine of tracking assignment completion. There is no extra credit. Points are no longer given merely for completion of work. Two categories exist: Practice, and Evidence (of Learning).
What is the goal of this change? Great grading practices lead to grades that reflect student proficiency rather than grades as a reward. We want to provide accurate reporting that increases student confidence.
What is a power standard? A standard listed in PowerSchool reflects a critical skill that students are expected to master while in a given course.
How does grading impact accuracy and confidence? The primary goal of our grading practice is to ensure that as a parent, you receive the most accurate information regarding your student’s achievement. In addition, we want to ensure grading practices that build, maintain, and grow student confidence.
Can you put this in real world terms? Think of it in terms of practice vs. games in sports. Many assignments are given in a “no pressure” zone of practice. Many of these are housed in Canvas and may or may not impact a student’s grade. In PowerSchool, teachers report stats from the game (or assessment). Those levels may change each time a new assessment is given.
What is the difference between Canvas and PowerSchool? For the majority of secondary students and teachers, Canvas is a tool to manage the day to day aspects of the classroom. Using Canvas, students can view expectations, submit assessments, and receive feedback. PowerSchool is our official reporting system. PowerSchool generates report cards for parents and students at the end of a reporting period.
What is the 4-point scale and why does it matter? As teachers use a 4-point scale, students can be confident that they know what a score means. When you view PowerSchool, you will better know your student’s current level of understanding on a given standard.
4: Advanced; I have learned the concept well enough explain it to someone else; transferable.
3: Proficient; I have learned the concept well enough to progress.
2: Approaching; I have learned the concept but still need help.
1: Basic: I have a basic understanding of the concept.
NA: Not Assessed